Welcome to the Gatewood Library!

Mission Statement
The library is a critical component to student learning in the 21st Century. Our library should be at the heart of our school. I feel it doesn’t just belong to the librarian, but it belongs to the students, teachers and even the community beyond our doors. The library is a place for learning, sharing, and fostering student competence while they use, read, and view information and ideas. The Gatewood library is a place to help students learn to effectively and efficiently find information, both in print and online. However, I feel the most important job as librarian is for me to connect with the students and help them discover a love for reading.
How Many Books Can I Check Out?
Kindergarten: 1 book per week-stays in classroom
1st grade: 1 book per week
2nd grade: 2 books per week
3rd grade: 3 books per week
4th grade: 4 books per week
5th grade: 4 books per week
Ceci says, “Can’t wait to see you in the Gatewood Library!”