Gatewood Elementary


Instrumental Music

Welcome to Gatewood Elementary Instrumental Music

Gatewood offers instrumental music instruction during the school day for 4th and 5th grade students. Interested students should contact Ms. Lyle. Gatewood has some instruments available for use (based on availability and need.)


YouTube Videos Can Help Your Student

My goal this year through email communication is to pass on further knowledge I discover to be helpful as I discover it including video’s, worksheets/exercises, inspiration, etc. By the way, I highly recommend finding at least one YouTube video involving your instrument a week. A few suggested topics to search for may be:

  1. How to clean the Clarinet (well, for your instrument of course
  2. Good tone on the Alto Sax
  3. University Trombone Choir
  4. Parts of the Violin

Do be aware there are not-so-helpful videos, but most of them are helpful, while enough of them will blow your mind. So, if you don’t find something you find helpful, feel free to go do something else and then come back to keep searching for that special tip. And if you find something EXTREMELY helpful (kids, this would be something you rank a 4 out of 4), shoot me an email with a description of why you think this is helpful and I just might add it to one of my e-mails.

Check out some of the links in the sidebar.

Donate an unused Instrument

Instrumental music is offered to all 4th and 5th graders at Gatewood and more than half of our current students are learning an instrument. Most of our kids rent their instruments.

If you have an instrument that’s not in use and is taking up space in your closet or know of someone who does, please consider donating it to our music program. It would be well loved! Thank you!

Contact: Stephan Childers
