Emergency Response Special Assignments
Emergency Response Special Assignments
Special Assignments:
Principal/Head Teacher (Kyna/Noelle)
- Sweep all classrooms and restrooms and building locations
- If an earthquake check building and field previous to evacuation notification
- If necessary, decide upon alternative exit routes and communicate to staff
- Inform entire school of the evacuation via available modes (i.e. intercom, megaphone, student runners, etc.)
- Call Administration building at 425-837-7000
- If we do not call immediately, call within an hour to let Administration Building know status
Administrative Secretary (Katy)
- Time evacuation
- Take staff list, substitute sign-in information, and staff sign-in/out binder
- Facilitate adult attendance and communicate adult attendance to Incident Command
Office Secretary (Stacy)
- Take emergency backpack from office
- Take locator list (evacuation maps), Master Schedule, staff list, student sign-in/out, demographic forms, daily attendance report
- Facilitate student attendance and communicate student attendance to Incident Command
Nurse/Office Secretary (Tina/Stacy)
- Check Health room
- Take priority medications
- Monitor needs and condition of students with IHPs and respond as necessary
Kitchen Manager
- Shut down all appliances
- Evacuate and check-in with Principal’s Secretary
- Check fire alarm panel to see source of alarm
- Greet emergency cars/trucks and meet emergency personnel
- Communicate with Principal’s Secretary the names of the students and/or adults who are with you
- Traffic control
- Be prepared to silence and reset the alarm system