Gatewood Elementary

Emergency Procedures


Earthquake Procedures

  1. Drop – Drop to the floor, take cover under a nearby desk or table and face away from the windows.
  2. Cover – Get down on your knees under a table/desk, putting your face to the floor. With one hand, hold a leg of the table/desk, and with the other hand/forearm, protect the back of your head/neck.*
  3. Hold – Hold or maintain this position until you receive the all-clear announcement. In the case the intercom may not be functioning, no announcement will be made. Hold your position until the shaking stops.
  4. Assist – SSIST – Assist those needing help.
  5. Wait – Once shaking stops, wait for further instruction. In the event of an actual earthquake, the crisis team, led by the principal/administrator, will make the decision whether or not to evacuate the building. This will be communicated via the intercom or a staff runner. In the case that shaking has stopped and you do not receive an announcement from either the intercom or a runner, use good judgment to evacuate safely or remain in your space. In an earthquake drill, after an all-clear announcement is made over the intercom, classes may resume their work.
  6. Evaluate and Evacuate – When it is safe to exit the room, evacuate using the fire drill/evacuation procedure. Use good judgment to evacuate using the safest route.
  7. Check in with your buddy teacher/classroom.
  8. If unsafe to evacuate, place the red card or medic card in your window, signifying the need for help. Keep students calm. Try to communicate status through walkie-talkie and/or email if available.
  9. Administer First Aid to the injured.

If you are outdoors:

  • Move away from buildings or any overhead objects.
  • Drop, cover and hold as instructed above, but use your hands/forearms to protect your eyes and the back of your head/neck.

*If cover (table or desk) is not available, drop, cover and hold next to a corner of the building or an interior weight bearing wall. Use your hands/forearms to protect your eyes and the back of your head/neck.